I decided to be happy...

Many things happened lately. some good, some not so good.

I was drowned with sadness for the past couple of weeks when someone told me that one lady said bad things about me. I cant reveal the details, but somehow her remarks was really affected my emotions. I shared about it with D, D macam biasa asked me to totally block the person from my life. but I am not like that, and can never be like that. I know, after a while lepas emosi dah stabil I akan still bercakap dan layan the said person seperti biasa. D said itu tindakan kurang bijak atau bodoh... ehm speaking about bodoh, to me, we can always be humbled but never stupid. True enough, after few days, I just all fine. living and kicking.

I start enjoying my life back, besides all of the normal routines of preparing meal  and bento for my family, settling the laundry and sending/fetching George from school, I also hit the gym every morning. I goes to Ikebana class once a week. I make an effort to meet at least one friend for morning breakfast once a week. I make an effort to try at least one recipe in a week. I make and effort to read book at least 5 pages a day.

I also make an effort to improve my relations with Allah SWT, with my own set of list for daily routines. Lucky me  if I must say for having beberapa orang kawan baik dan keluarga yang constantly remind me on these. There is one friend of mine whom keep on reminding me to recite Al Kahfi on every Friday. And my lovely sister whom always check on me whether I had done my Dhuha and recite Al Baqarah... and few others who will always remind me from time to time. Alhamdulillah. to me, if you have someone yang berani dan consistently remind you on all these, please appreciate them...

I also change my mantra...instead of saying I want to be happy, I want to be healthy etc etc...
I now recite these every morning after my subuh:
I decided to be a good muslimah
I decided to be happy
I decided to be healthy etc etc...ahahahha you do not want to know all kan.
.... and lastly said Lillahi Taala...

After 3 weeks of improving my routines, I found myself in a better state of emotions. I feel happier and less worry about what others think about me. As what one of my friend said, if you know and understand the meaning of jealousy and inferior, then you don't have to worry on what other think about you.

To me, life is too short to live in sadness. Sangka baik, fikir baik dan rasa baik. InsyaAllah yang baik baik akan dating pada kita.


  1. tq ila, nak cuba tiru jugak lah, schedule i pun bit haywire lately...spiritually up and down, tak khusyuk solat etc...

    1. Puteri, whenever am in hurry dan rasa macam tak sempat nak kerjakan dhuha i will tell myself 'kalau u sempatkan diri utk Allah, Allah akan sempatkan diri you utk hal yg lain2'. Hugs.


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